"Each scar represents a moment in time or a passage of time when something happened to us or through us, which we will never forget. We receive scars in one of two ways: what has been done to us by other people or what has been done through
us by our own mistakes and failures. Either way, I believe that scars
are not something that we need to hide or be ashamed of, but rather an
invitation to share the healing power of Jesus Christ with a hurting
world. For a scar, by its very definition, implies healing." -Sharon Jaynes
Scars often have a story behind them. Whether it be an accident, a clumsy fall, surgery, or a painful experience, they mean something to us. There are also emotional scars that we carry with us. A break-up, a fight, a lost loved one. In both cases, we don't need to hide them. Our stories are meant to be shared.
For me, not only do I have emotional scars, but physical as well. I'm working on a project with an amazing group of women to thwart the "thin ideal" and issues on body image at Penn State University, specifically in athletics. The misconception that I've experienced is that because I'm thin I don't have body image issues. False. There is no set criteria to experience a negative self-image. Change starts now.
I love the saying: "pain into purpose, messes into your message, and your hurt into hope".
Stories behind the Scar: 28 Women Tell the Truth
What scars have changed your life? Are you willing to share your story to make a change and help someone else?