Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What's in a number?

The power of numbers/a number is more significant than we think.

Example: Age, salary, race time, etc.

To me these are prime examples where perspective can be negative or positive, depending on how you look at it.

Limitations, stereotypes, and other negative thoughts can creep in when we focus on a number. 

For example, there are doubters/critics when age is thrown in the mix for a runner, specifically a female.  Also, depending on your time and results in races, negative connotation will follow.

On another note, the larger the salary, the better you are, right?!

All of things are relative and the power of perspective is important in the world that we live in.  My suggestion/tip is to learn what's behind that number.  

In the world of running, I've found that age is just a number and that hard work is a powerful thing.  Hard work and determination can transform any situation into a success story. 

I've also learned that a race result can be negative depending on how you look at it.

For example: My good friend, Meredith, just competed in her 2nd Half IRONMAN event!  She also works a full-time job in NYC and continues to train full-time.  Talk about balance.  This second race proved to be a challenge mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Her back acted up during the swim (not the best place to start) and various other things went wrong, but she finished!  Her story inspires me.  If you just looked at her time would you know her story?  Probably not!

And for me, my latest 5k I ran a 19:23.  And that is not my best time, by far.  Some would call that slow... What you may not know is that after battling a toe injury for a year, anemia for months, being sick the week before, and the race ended up being 3.19, I am proud of that result and finishing overall female.

You see, sometimes it's learning the story behind the number because we tend to judge otherwise.  We even judge ourselves.

I've thoroughly enjoyed learning all the stories of my friends, athletes, and teammates on Oiselle.  They inspire me because they have stories, they have a perspective.  They have come a long way.  Those are the stories behind the number.   

Friday, September 5, 2014

There IS TEAM in I

Hmmm...I bet you're wondering if I got that saying mixed up...

I've been away from blogging for some time and I wanted to come right out and count my blessings.  I cannot be who I am without my "team" surrounding me, I cannot conquer feats and downfalls without my "team".  So who is my team you ask?  My team is bigger than most teams & they surround me with love.

Without a team surrounding you, I've found it impossible to get through the trials and tribulations that life throws us.  My Couch to 5K women showed me humbleness when I was injured and that "showing up" even when I don't want to is important and it changed my perspective.

My family has shown me complete patience through really hard times and financial burdens.  But they are persistent in their faith and their trust in God's timing, which is ALWAYS perfect.  My sisters are my soul-mates, together forever, thick and thin.

My new family, the Marshalls...what can I say, they're my new set of parents and siblings that are close and a strong support system for Eric and I.  They're always in our corner, mentoring and supporting us!

My DC group, my girls!  Never a dull moment!  Even through hard times, I manage to laugh with you.  You've never judged me and accepted my past as a part of my story.

My church, my extended family.  Never a dull moment here as well with our ruthless and hilarious leader.  The transparency and the community outreach is something that sets us apart.  We're weird and that is AWESOME :) Thank you for giving me the chance to use my spiritual gifts and a chance to shine.

All my friends, near and far, from different times in my life...you are what gives my life flavor.  You all have made life sweeter and I hope to spice up yours as well.

Oiselle, you have given me a chance to find myself again and given me a larger support system on all levels.  Your belief in your athletes and what you stand for inspires me every day.  The women that represent Oiselle, do it in style and great taste.  They are real and are relateable to runners on all levels.  This support is portrayed in a recent post by Sally Bergesen, the fearless leader.

"The insanely dedicated. The embattled fighter. The athlete who knows everything counts because everything’s at stake. And we pull for them. Because they believe in their potential just as we hope to believe in our own."

Last but not least, Eric...my training partner, my cheerleader, my friend, my husband, my love.  You will always be on my team.  You have felt my pain and defeat through some rough times this year.  Injuries and other ailments can get the best of you, but you were always there encouraging me, on my A Team.

The lesson I keep learning in life...Give it your all & make the right choice!

Gwen Smith says, "It all begins with a choice. If we want to be women of impact, we need to live with our eyes wide open to God-opportunities."

So what do you do once you establish a strong team? You choose to go for it!  I am more fearless now than I ever was, even if I am a late bloomer.  Am I too old to PR, am I too old to fight for the win?  NO!  Age is just a number and I'm training with fire.

Who is on your team today?