Monday, December 22, 2014

Fight or Flight

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
Thomas A. Edison

The stories of failure before success are numerous.  You will find that most influential people have failed numerous times before making a break-through.  Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, J.K. Rowlings, and Walt Disney are named on 1000 Days of Inspiration as being successful after failing.

I think all of us have failed in some way.  The TEDx Talk, The Skill of Self Confidence, by Dr. Ivan Joseph, AD & coach at Ryerson University, explains how to get through failure.  Even more so, how to learn self confidence.

In the past I have bailed when faced with adversity.  When I started playing soccer and was goalie, that first goal that went in, I quit.  We learn at such a young age to give up or stick with it.  I ended up sticking with soccer and playing through high school. 

So we have this choice to make...Fight or flight.  Another saying that we've heard is that diamonds are made under pressure. 

There are 3 things that Dr. Joseph teaches that we can do to learn and practice self-confidence.

1) Don't accept no for an answer, persist.persist.persist.
  • Practice and hard work and influential in self-confidence
  • Persistence allows us to build skills and character
2) Positive self-talk
  •  We already hear enough negativity around us, why tell ourselves more negative thoughts about ourselves
  • Get away from people that tear you down
  • Thoughts turn into actions, negative thoughts trump action
  • Will you believe those negative thoughts?
  • Re-affirm yourself (You are the captain of your ship)
    • Practice: Write a letter to yourself (A brag sheet, what are you proud of) and read it when you're navigating a storm
  • Catch the good, praise positive behavior
 3) Interpret feedback a certain way
  • No one will believe in you unless you do
I will end on a poem that embodies what it means to persist through life's storms.

Try Try Again

by T. H. Palmer

'Tis a lesson you should heed,
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again;

Then your courage should appear,
For if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear
Try, try again;

Once or twice, though you should fail,
If you would at last prevail,
Try, try again;

If we strive, 'tis no disgrace
Though we do not win the race;
What should you do in the case?
Try, try again

If you find your task is hard,
Time will bring you your reward,
Try, try again

All that other folks can do,
Why, with patience, should not you?
Only keep this rule in view:
Try, try again.


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