Monday, January 5, 2015

The seasons of life: the good, the bad, the ugly (preparing your heart for all of them) becoming a seasoned woman

In this wasteland where I'm livin'
There is a crack in the door filled with light
And it's all that I need to get by
In this wasteland where I'm livin'
There is a crack in the door filled with light
And it's all that I need to shine (NeedtoBreathe-Wasteland)

Lessons learned, life is hard.  Sometimes I want to give up, sometimes I want to scream and shout and say, this isn't fair! And other times life is amazing and I take for granted what I've been given.  This includes mistakes, regrets, fears, and failures.  All of these things: the good, the bad, the ugly have made me into a seasoned woman.  But it wasn't easy getting there.

I can't remember the first time I made a mistake or the first time life was hard.  In a world filled with sin, these are learned naturally.  We are human.  There is a cost for every decision we make in life.  And a seasoned woman recently taught me to accept the things I cannot change & "it is what it is".  Did I have the same perspective growing up as I do now?  Probably not.  Did I prepare for seasons of turmoil and hurt the same as I prepared for seasons of joy?  Probably not.  These are valuable lessons that only age, time, and faith can allow you to learn.

I am 29.  Does that still qualify me as a "young woman"?  Sometimes I can tell that I'm getting older: napping is a must, early bed-time, recovery from workouts takes longer, I can live in sweatpants and slippers, and I'd much rather choose a night in rather than going out.  These are the things in my head that I've associated with getting older.  But along with these silly things, I've noticed a change in my heart.

Honestly, I remember being stubborn and moody.  I remember letting stupid things get to me.  I remember being critical and thinking that it was the end of the world if a guy didn't date me or if I wasn't married by now.  Looking back, even just a few years I've realized that these are the things that can swallow my essence of joy.  These are the things that can harden my heart.  I know now that having joy through all circumstances can change the outcome.

The difference in the way that I look at the good, the bad, the ugly is not only different, but the way that I react to these seasons is different.  Having a solid foundation and preparation for these times is important as a woman.  Have I been broken? Yes.  Have I fallen down?  Yes.  Have I encountered trials? Yes, just yesterday...But instead of wallowing in these things that are only temporary, I've accepted them as a part of the whole plan.  They've not only changed my views, but changed me. 

Let me take a second to go over what seasoned means when used as a verb:

9. to heighten or improve the flavor of (food) by adding condiments, spices, herbs, or the like.  
10. to give relish or a certain character to
11. to mature, ripen, or condition by exposure to suitable conditions or treatment:

I can attest that with the good, the bad, the ugly, also comes maturity and character building.  I'm definitely not who I once was.  But I'm also thankful for the things that I've been brought through.  By no means am I a perfect woman, far from it.  But I am real and I want to be a catalyst of growth and forward-thinking.  I want to show others that a road-block is not the end, it's simply an opportunity for growth. 

Look around you.  Find women that can provide mentor-ship and growth in your life.  Surround yourself with the seasoned.  Throw some spice in your life.  
My mom, my mentor.

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